Posts Tagged ‘thought leadership’
Content Curation: Find Time or Find Help.
There’s plenty of buzz about “Content Curation” in the marketing world right now. In a nutshell, the word “curation” is used among content professionals to describe the careful research, sifting, selecting and sharing of content with others. But let’s take a look at what it’s really about…not from the side of the content curator — but…
Read More5 Ways Content is Experiencing Its Own Health Reform
During a recent project, I got a crash course in Healthcare Reform. Not ObamaCare but rather the undercurrent of initiatives causing a major paradigm shift in the industry. To survive the shift, healthcare entities will have to marry new-school technologies with old-school industry values. And, the key initiatives, when stripped down, are strikingly familiar. That’s…
Read MoreWhat Makes Content Effective?
Like all marketing efforts, Content Marketing has one ultimate goal — to produce new customers or clients. That’s a given. However, HOW content achieves this goal is a different story. In fact, there is no one magic recipe for creating effective content that sells. That’s actually what makes Content Marketers’ jobs so much stinkin’ fun! Content has to be…
Read More5 Questions to Ask Before Publishing B2B Content
We’ve been considering an “Infrequently Asked Questions” series—covering the most common mistakes B2B content teams make and how to avoid them. For now, we’re going to highlight a few of our favorites. Feel free to add your own or ask for more! 1. Did you remember to use industry jargon and acronyms? That’s right! Unlike traditional…
Read MoreWhy Your New Website May Never See the Light of Day
Building a successful and impactful web presence is more important than ever—especially for B2Bs and businesses with a complex product to sell or story to tell. Today, the “creative process” is more about solving the visitor’s problem than about whether the masthead should “pop” more. So why do so many well-intentioned, brilliant web projects fall…
Read MoreIs Your B2B Content Getting the Mileage it Deserves?
Business-to-Business (B2B) marketers are forever chasing the challenge of publishing valuable, relevant content to their blogs and websites. And for good reason. Companies with blogs gather 68% more leads than those without blogs (HubSpot). Those who turn a standard blog into a well-produced, highly-relevant content machine may even see that number rise to a whopping…
Read MoreWhat Does Your Twitter Avatar Say About You?
Twitter avatars are more critical than some may think. In a terrific post on ThoughtPick, the author lists 5 reasons your avatar matters in your Twitter presence: Recognition Expression Intrusion Uniqueness Meaning & Relevancy We’d like to add a few more to this list. Most clients are a tad surprised when we spend a good…
Read MoreShut Up, Listen Up, and Read!
For those of you who have endured my voice and tone workshops and training, brace yourself. Deana’s got her “rant” voice on today. If you’re a thought leader who’s genuinely ready to enlighten, educate and inspire others…awesome! Guess what? Your business will grow along with your online influence. This blog and my business are ALL…
Read More5 Reasons Small Businesses Find More Customers Using Social Media
According to a study by office services firm, Regus, smaller companies are the most successful at using social media to meet new customers. In fact, the study goes on to state that nearly half of small businesses around the world have acquired a customer through social networks. At the risk of sounding completely arrogant, my…
Read MoreNew Facebook Features: One That’s Hot, One That’s Not
Okay, it’s true. I have a love-hate relationship when it comes to professional use of Facebook. When I say love-hate I mean that in every sense. There are many weeks where Facebook is an absolutely incredible source of connectivity and traffic for my clients and my own business. Still there are some weeks when I…
Read MoreThe Most Essential Part of Your Blog’s Design
YOU! Hmmm… I could actually just end this post right there. 🙂 It really IS that simple. As a Thought Leader, your impact doesn’t end with the content. You also need to dominate your blog’s design. That means incorporating an image of YOU in your blog’s masthead, header or another prominent, site-wide area. Feeling shy…
Read More5 Steps to Organizing the Blogs You Follow
One of the best ways to stay on top of what’s shaking in your industry and “sharpen the saw” each week is to read content-rich blogs! Just as reading books helps make us better writers, reading blogs helps make us better thinkers and bigger networkers! Yet, I still hear over and over again, “Yea…I’ve been…
Read MoreJoin Me at the National Speakers Association 2010 Convention!
Will you be attending The National Speakers Association 2010 Convention next week? If so, don’t forget to sign up for Meet the Pros! Each breakout session is limited to a hand full of attendees, so reserve your spot ASAP! I’ll be hosting a Meet the Pros Session focused on how blogging can benefit you as…
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