Social Media Takes Center Stage at Upper Tampa Bay Chamber
The Upper Tampa Bay Chamber, in cooperation with Andoni Lizardy and BOSS, staged a three-hour seminar on social media on Friday, September 11 at the Hilton Garden Inn. Lizardy brought in several prominent experts in the field and immersed business owners and other participants in all things related to Blogging, Facebook, Twitter and relationship-building online.
The primary topic of discussion was how to get into the game most efficiently and effectively. A common “aha” for many business owners was the realization of the time commitment necessary to play in the social media space. However, I think they all agreed that it’s a matter of jumping in or being left behind.
My primary goal was to educate the group on how websites of yesterday just no longer cut the mustard—especially for small businesses. Old school sites, or “online business cards” are already outdated. Today, small businesses need to turn their sites into interactive blogs and two-way conversations. Of course, this is Well Planned Web’s passion, so it was easy to speak from the heart!
While on the panel I shared what I could and learned a lot from my fellow panelists! As a bonus, I got to see yet another rockin’ presentation by Chuck Palm, who explained the nuances of social media like only Chuck could!
Thanks again Andoni and the UTB Chamber for a great event!
Video courtesy of the Newhouse Media Group.
UTB Social Media Seminar from Zack Koczanski on Vimeo.